Leadership Camp

Ages 17 and 18 | Offered in Sessions 2 and 3

Learning by Doing

The Celtic Leadership programme allows participants to both study and develop their leadership skills. Two Leadership Directors, chosen from Celtic’s most senior staff and alumni, work closely with groups of Leaders in Training (LITs). Emphasis is placed on group processes, training, coaching skills, and evaluation of self and process. This is very much a participative camp – LITs will get out of it what they put into it!

LITs take part in traditional camp activities such as camp games, campfires, talent shows, out-tripping, and more. This immersive experience supplemented by daily leadership seminars and workshops guarantee a noticeable increase in self-confidence over the 10-day session. In addition, through identifying their own leadership styles, they learn of their ability to uniquely contribute to group processes through routinely examining and assessing themselves, others, and the group. Skills, attitude, and knowledge learned here can be applied not only at camp but at school, work, in the community and in sports environments as well. Each LIT receives a written evaluation at the close of camp, and in the case of sponsored LITs, a copy is mailed to the sponsoring school or camp

Learning By Doing is a philosophy of this programme.

LIT Programme

Who is Eligible?

Eligibility is limited to high school students who are at least 17 years of age during the year of enrolment.

Application Procedure

Please complete the Camp Celtic Registration form or register online. We will also need to receive the following:

If the LIT is sponsored by a school, camp, or other group, a recommendation form identifying the candidate as having good leadership potential must be completed by one of the following people:

  • Teacher or Coach in the case of a school
  • Camp Director in the case of a camp
  • By the appropriate adult in the case of a group

If the LIT is applying directly to Celtic Leadership Training Camp, a self written letter of application outlining the candidate’s interest, achievements, and goals, along with a recommendation form completed by a teacher or coach, must accompany the application


For qualified applicants, acceptance will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

2025 Summer Camp Dates

Session 1 | Seven Day

Sun June 29 - Sat July 5

Session 2 | Nine Day

Sun July 6 - Mon July 14

Session 3 | Nine Day

Tues July 15 - Wed July 23

Session 4 | Rookie | Three Day

Thurs July 24 - Sat July 26

Session 5 | Seven Day

Sun July 27 - Sat Aug 2

Session 6 | Seven Day

Sun Aug 3 - Sat Aug 9

Session 7 | Seven Day

Sun Aug 10 - Sat Aug 16

Session 8 | Sports | Six Day

Sun Aug 17 - Fri Aug 22

French River Canoe Trip

Thurs Aug 7 - Sat Aug 16

Leader in Training | Session Two

Sun July 6 - Mon July 14

Leader in Training | Session Three

Tues July 15 - Wed July 23